
Construction for the UH Translational Health Science Simulation Center at Webster Hall

A message from Dean Mary Boland, School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene:

Dear SONDH ‘Ohana,

I am pleased to share that construction for the UH Translational Health Science Simulation Center has begun on the third floor of Webster Hall. After a slight delay in the contracting process, work is progressing quickly to meet the target completion date in Fall 2011, tentatively scheduled for the end of October.

We ask for your cooperation and patience during the renovation.  Here’s what you can expect:

  • Light construction activity and some noise (occasional hammering and drilling) will occur throughout the day. At 4:00 pm, activity and associated noise may increase except during scheduled evening classes.
  • Parking access for faculty, staff and students will remain the same. You will notice construction vehicles on the grass along the ewa side of the building including a dumpster for debris, which will be removed daily.
  • Elevator access will continue to be available unless otherwise notified for special circumstances.
  • Entry to the third floor is restricted to those that require elevator access to the third floor of Spalding Hall. A barrier will prohibit access to the construction area. For safety reasons, please avoid the third floor.
  • Air conditioning (a/c) will continue to serve the building unless otherwise notified for an outage. The a/c system on the third floor has been capped so that dust and fumes do not enter other areas of the building.

Project status update: Demolition began during Spring Break and will continue for 1 to 2 weeks. Following demolition, structural steel work and duct work installation will begin.

Thank you for your understanding and support.  If you have any questions or would like to report an issue related to the renovation, please contact Marla in the Dean’s Office at 956-8522 or

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