
Nursing Faculty Present in India at Disaster Reduction Conference

Dr. Kristine Qureshi, Associate Dean for Research and Global Health Nursing and Gary Glauberman, Instructor, represented the United States at the 10th Asia Pacific Emergency Disaster Nursing Network (APEDNN) conference in Vellore, India on November 16-18, 2016. The event was hosted by the Christian Medical College at Vellore. The focus of the conference was “Disaster Risk Reduction – the Role of Health Care Providers”.

Dr. Kristine Qureshi poses at international health confrenceDuring the conference, the international APEDNN members served as resource faculty and collaborated with professionals from across India to provide presentations that focused on risk reduction. Qureshi provided presentations on disaster crisis communication, the role of community health nursing in Zika virus outbreak control, and disaster triage during mass casualty events and bio-events. Glauberman provided a presentation that focused on models for incorporating service-learning into disaster nursing education in Hawaii and Japan.

The APEDNN is a network that was initiated by the World Health Organization. Membership is comprised of nurses from more than 40 countries across the Asia-Pacific region. APEDNN meets annually to discuss pressing issues and develop strategies that nursing can implement for capacity building related to community and hospital disaster preparedness. For more information about APEDNN, contact Dr. Kristine Qureshi at or (808) 956-2638.

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