
Kathy Ota Certified as one of a few simulation specialist in the State of Hawaii

Photo of Kathy OtaKathy Ota, BFA, CHSOS, simulation technician for the UH Translational Health Science Simulation Center, is one of only a few Certified Healthcare Simulation Operations Specialist in the state. Ota earned the certification from the Society for Simulation in Healthcare, the accrediting body for the UH Translational Health Science Simulation Center.

The CHSOS certification has been developed as a service to the healthcare simulation community. The certification is intended for individuals who perform healthcare simulation in the operations specialist role without restriction to simulation modality, setting (locations where simulation takes place), geographic location, learner population, function (e.g. IT, A/V, moulage) and profession.

An Operations Specialist is an individual whose primary role is the implementation and delivery of a simulation activity through the application of simulation technologies such as, computers, audio-visual, or networking technologies. And is an inclusive “umbrella” term that embodies many different roles within healthcare simulation operations, including simulation technician, simulation technology specialist, simulation specialist, simulation coordinator, and simulation AV specialist. While many of these individuals also design simulation activities, this term refers to the functional role related to the implementation of the simulation activities.

Consistent with its mission, SSH developed the certification process for educators focused on healthcare simulation. This program has been developed over a number of years with the input of many individuals representing a wide variety of backgrounds and experience in healthcare simulation.

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