
Program Description

The program offers direct entry to nursing for newly graduating high school students that are dedicated to completing their Bachelor of Science in nursing degree in four years. Students can have confidence that they have been admitted to the nursing program while they complete their prerequisite classes in a cohort-based learning model. Students enter the program in the fall of their first year of college, and are expected to meet all continuation requirements. With the Bachelor of Science degree, the student is prepared to proceed to graduate education, and pursue career development.

The Bachelor of Science degree prepares beginning-level generalist professional nurses to deliver care to individuals in a variety of health-care settings, and meet the state requirements for eligibility to take the National Council Licensure Examination – Registered Nurse (NCLEX-RN). Applicants to the program are highly encouraged to attend an open house event or an informational session. Please visit the event page for upcoming events.

Admission to the High School Direct Entry in Nursing program is competitive. Preference for admission will be given to Hawaii resident applicants. Applicants that have previously completed high school or a GED are not eligible to apply for the High School Direct Entry in Nursing program.

Fast Facts

  • Two-step application process.
  • Outstanding faculty committed to advancing health care delivery.
  • Cohort program designed to be completed in 4 years.
  • Individual academic advising and support throughout the program.

High School Direct Entry in Nursing (DEN) Class Profiles

  Fall 2023 Fall 2024
Total Applicants 564 704
       Resident 190 of 564 228 of 704
       Non-Resident 374 of 564 476 of 704
Enrolled 24 26
       Resident 21 of 24 22 of 26
       Non-Resident 3 of 24 4 of 26
Acceptance Rate 4.3% (24 of 564) 3.7% (26 of 704)
Average High School GPA 3.96 4.03

How to Apply

Fall (August) 2025 (admission) Applications Available: September 1, 2024

Final Deadline: January 5, 2025, 11:59 PM (Eastern Standard Time)

Two-Step Application Process

Application Requirements are found in the online applications listed below. All required applications and admissions materials must be submitted by the final deadline of January 5th. Late submissions will not be accepted.

Step 1 – Apply to UH Manoa Undergraduate Admissions

Step 2 – Apply to Nursing’s Centralized Application Service (NCAS)

Admission Requirements

For admissions review, a holistic review process is utilized, which includes academic and experiential factors. All non-academic criteria are outlined in NCAS.

Cumulative High School GPA

Minimum 3.0 GPA (weighted) at the end of the junior year of high school.

College-Level Credits (optional)

Completion of college-level coursework will be considered during admissions review. Acceptable college-level coursework includes Advanced Placement (AP) examinations, Dual Credit courses (from regionally accredited institutions), and International Baccalaureate (IB) examinations.

English Language Proficiency

All applicants who are not born in the U.S. are required to have a certain skill level of the English language. More information is available on the International Admission Requirements website:

Personal Statement

Submission of a personal statement and resume is required.

Continuation Requirements

Successful completion of the first year with prerequisite course grades in the nursing program are required to retain status as a direct entry student to the nursing program.

The following conditions must be met:

Note: Applicable to the new incoming (Fall 2024) cohort of DEN students (first year)

  • GPA of 3.0 or higher every semester
  • Minimum grade of “B” (not B-) in all PHYL lectures, PHYL labs, MICR 130, and FQ
  • Minimum grade of “C” (not C-) in all other prerequisite courses

Admission to the direct entry program will not be deferred.

College-Level Exam Program Option

College-Level Exam Program (CLEP) examinations are a viable option for satisfying course requirements of the Bachelor of Science in nursing programs. Students must consult with their advisor regarding the use and limitations of non-graded course equivalencies to meet current graduation requirements.

Students that successfully pass a CLEP exam approved by the university will be awarded college credit, which can be used to satisfy specific coursework. A list of approved CLEP exams is available online at

Prospective Students Not Applying for Direct Entry

Students that are interested in the nursing program, but are not admitted or are not eligible for the direct entry program, can enter UH Manoa as a Pre-Nursing student, or under another major. Interested students can complete the requirements to apply for admission to the Traditional Bachelor of Science in Nursing program in a future admissions cycle. Admission to the Traditional BS in Nursing program is competitive.

Informational sessions are offered that provide more information about this process. The application process and requirements are discussed in detail to assist interested students in the process. Informational session dates and times will be posted to the event page.

The UH Manoa Nursing bachelor’s curriculum meets the requirements of the Hawaii Board of Nursing to obtain a Hawaii RN license. If you are considering obtaining licensing in another state, contact that website or check their state board for specific educational requirements.


Year 1
34 Credits
17 credits
*PHYL 141 Human Anatomy & Physiology (DB) (3)
*PHYL 141L Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab (DY)  (1)
PSY 100 Survey of Psychology (DS) (3)
Quantitative Reasoning Course (FQ) (3)
Written Communication Course (FW) (3)
*MICR 130 General Microbiology (DB) (3) (lab not required)
*NURS 200 Intro to Professional Nursing #1 (1)
17 credits
**PHYL 142 Human Anatomy & Physiology (DB) (3)
**PHYL 142L Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab (DY) (1)
HDFS 230 Human Development (DS) (3)
Global & Multicultural Perspectives Course (FG) (3)
Arts, Humanities, Literature Course (DA) (3) (choose one): COMG 151 or COMG 251
Physical Science Course (DP) (3) (choose one): CHEM 151, CHEM 152, CHEM 161, CHEM 162, BIOC 141, BIOC 241 (UHCCs only), 244, BIOC 341
**NURS 201 Intro to Professional Nursing #2 (1)
Year 2
27 Credits
12 credits
NURS 210 Health Promotion Across the Life Span (3)
NURS 210L Health Promotion Across the Life Span Lab (6)
NURS 212 Pathophysiology (3)
15 credits
NURS 220 Health and Illness I (3)
NURS 220L Health and Illness I Lab (6)
Nutrition Course (DB) (3) (choose one): FSHN 185 or FSHN 475
NURS 213 Pharmacology (3)
Year 3
31 Credits
16 credits
NURS 321 Women, Newborn, and Family Health (2)
NURS 321L Women, Newborn, and Family Health Lab (3)
NURS 322 Child and Family Health (2)
NURS 322L Child and Family Health Lab (W) (3)
Statistics Course (3) (choose one): NURS 306, MATH 115 (UHCCs only), PSY 225, SOCS 225, NREM 310, ECON 321, PH 350, EDEP 429
Global & Multicultural Perspectives Course (FG) (3)
15 credits
NURS 360 Health and Illness III (3)
NURS 360L Health and Illness III Lab (6)
NURS 363 Introduction to Nursing Research (E) (3)
Arts, Humanities, or Literature Course (DH or DL) (3)
Year 4
28 Credits
16 credits
NURS 450 Community, Public, & Global Health Nursing (2)
NURS 450L Community, Public, & Global Health Nursing Lab (O, W) (3)
NURS 465 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing (2)
NURS 465L Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Lab (3)
NURS 452 Cultural Aspects of Health Management in Populations Indigenous to Hawaii, Pacific & Asia (H) (3)
NURS 453 Introduction to Genetics and Genomics in Nursing Practice (3)
12 credits
NURS 460 Complex Nursing and Leadership (4)
NURS 460L Complex Nursing and Leadership Lab (W) (6)
NURS 461 Advanced Pathophysiology (2)

* Courses must be completed in Fall semester of Year 1

** Courses must be completed in Spring semester of Year 1

UHM Bachelor Degree Program Sheets and Sample Four Year Academic Plan

Note: These documents are advising tools for students on their academic journey. It is the student’s responsibility to meet regularly with their academic advisor(s) to ensure proper progress and to confirm their academic requirements.

UHM General Catalog: Undergraduate General Education and UH Manoa Special Graduation Requirements

UHM General Catalog: General Education Designations

Note: Consult your college advisor for a list of updated General Education courses. Additional courses may have been approved after the publication of Catalog.

The Nursing program specifies which courses nursing students must take to fulfill the Core requirements or to fulfill lower division college requirements. Students should consult with their advisor prior to selecting courses.

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