
UHM Nursing and The Queen’s Health System Receives Exemplary Academic-Practice Partnership Award

In October 2017, University of Hawaii  at Manoa School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene and The Queen’s Health System received the 2017 Exemplary Academic-Practice Partnership Awards at the AACN’s Academic Nursing Leadership Conference in Washington, DC. This award is presented annually to AACN member schools and their practice partners recognizing highly productive and model academic-practice partnerships.

nursing faculty receive awardsThe University of Hawaii  at Manoa School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene and The Queen’s Health System are celebrating ten years of a thriving academic-practice partnership that developed, implemented, and disseminated collaborative projects to improve healthcare through research and evidence-based practice. This innovative partnership is a successful endeavor that bridges education and practice in our community, while developing research capacity in both institutions. Indirectly, the partnership facilitated academic progression of QHS nurse participants.

The goals of the partnership is to provide evidence that research collaboration and mentoring are instrumental in shaping nursing infrastructure and capacity, and to provide evidence of consultative and mentoring activities that will effectively engage faculty and staff nurses in an Academic-Practice Research partnership.

To-date, a total of 16 SONDH faculty members, including a psychologist & DrPH, and 42 QHS staff members, including one physical therapist, have participated/are participating in the partnership. Twenty-four studies were reviewed, approved, & supported. Of the 24 studies, 13 were completed, six are in progress, and five were not completed. Dissemination products directly related to this partnership include 34 publications and presentations: three publications, 23 podium presentations, and eight poster presentations delivered at local, national, and/or international conferences. Findings from seven of the 13 completed projects were translated to practice. Recognizing the need for manuscript preparation support, partners from the Hawaii  State Center for Nursing, QHS, and SONDH developed a biennial writing workshop offered in six monthly didactic sessions (Kooker, Latimer, & Mark, 2015) resulting in, to-date, the preparation of 23 manuscripts, submission of 22 manuscripts, and publication of 16 manuscripts.

For more information about the academic-practice partnership contact Katherine Finn Davis at or (808) 956-5421.

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