2023 GEPN Celebration
Written by: Maureen O’Brien
The GEPN (Graduate Entry Program in Nursing) Cohort 15 celebrated the completion of their prelicensure year on Saturday, August 12, 2023, in the Campus Center Ballroom. 46 student nurses received their program completion certificates from Dean Clementina Ceria-Ulep, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs Lorrie Wong and Nursing Department Chair John Casken. Dr. Nancy Atmospera-Walch was among the guests. The faculty keynote speech was given by Dr. Brendon Friedman and student Brent Robinson gave the GEPN student address. View event photo album.
Student awards included the Professional Nurse Award given to Charnelle Julian, the Leadership Award given to John Sasaki, the Kahiau Award given to Georgia Howard, and the Community Service Award to Taylor Garcia. The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Students was awarded to Caleb Hansen. The GEPN Faculty of the Year was selected by the students and the award recipient was Dr. Carmen Linhares.
The event culminated with GEPN students reciting the Florence Nightingale Pledge. The ceremony concluded with the heartwarming singing of Hawaii Aloha led by Dr. Uilani Chow-Rule.