UH Manoa Nursing Faculty and Students Embark on a 4-Month Mission on the USN MERCY
On Thursday, May 10, 2012, members of the UH Manoa Nursing faculty and graduate students boarded the USN MERCY to begin a 4-month mission with a United States Navy program called Pacific Partnership 2012. The mission will travel to Indonesia, Philippines, Cambodia and Vietnam, and faculty and staff will serve as subject matter experts in partnership with local public and community health nurses.
Professor Carrie Davis and Nursing Graduate Student Sarah Sanderlin will participate in the entire 4-month mission. Professor Gary Glauberman will join them for 3-months of the mission and will complete 3 ports of call. Professor Teresa Parsons, Professor Kristine Qureshi, Nursing Graduate Students Amanda Trienen-Aiea and Hoku Porter will each participate in one port of call during the summer.
Graduate Student Sarah Sanderlin and Professor Carrie Davis just before boarding the USN MERCY for their 4-month Pacific Partnership mission.
UH Manoa Nursing Dean Boland wishes Graduate Student Sarah Sanderlin well as she departs for her 4-month Pacific Partnership mission aboard the USN MERCY. Sarah is completing her Master’s capstone project while aboard the USN MERCY, and will be serving as the lead for the UH Manoa Nursing faculty and graduate student volunteers aboard the ship.
UH Manoa Nursing Professor Teresa Parsons as she meets the USN MERCY on its arrival to Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii.
UH Manoa Nursing Graduate Student Sarah Sanderlin, as she prepares to join the USN MERCY. Sarah will serve on the entire mission and visit four ports of call with Pacific Partnership.
The USN MERCY. This ship has the capacity to treat up to 1,000 patients during times of disasters or other humanitarian crisis.
The USN MERCY docked in Pearl Harbor in Honolulu, Hawaii, as it makes preparations for the Pacific Partnership 2012 voyage.
About Pacific Partnership
The U.S. Navy’s Pacific Partnership is a dedicated humanitarian and civic action mission conducted with and through partner nations, non-governmental organizations and other U.S. government agencies to execute a variety of HCA programs.
Pacific Partnership 2012 will perform humanitarian and civic action (HCA) activities in Indonesia, Philippines, Vietnam, and Cambodia. USNS MERCY (T-AH 19) will serve as the command platform in addition to a Japanese Landing Ship Tank (LST 4001) OOSUMI. PP12 seeks to build and strengthen alliances, partnerships and relationships with regional host nations, partner nations, foreign humanitarian assistance actors and non-government organizations (NGO), and U.S. government interagency organizations by conducting HCA and other civil military operations. Like the Pacific Partnership Facebook page.