
GEPN Cohort 11 honored at 8th annual GEPN Celebration

On Saturday, August 16, 2019, the Graduate Entry Program in Nursing (GEPN) held its eighth annual GEPN Celebration at the Pomaikai Ballrooms at Dole Cannery. Approximately 140 guests attended including outgoing GEPN students, faculty, staff, and administrators. The purpose of the event was to recognize GEPN graduate students who have completed their pre-licensure year.

GEPN Cohort 11

The event started with a Hawaiian Doxology sung by Kira Fox, Jolana Gollero and Alohalani Lindsey of Cohort 11. It was followed by presentations from the GEPN Director, Coordinator and Cohort 11 students. Following this was the presentation of the student awards, faculty award, and completion certificates.

The students selected Michelle Tom for the Leadership Award, Prima Carinio for the Kahiau Award and Jane Lim for the Community Service Award. The outgoing GEPN students selected Maureen O’Brien as the GEPN Nurse Educator of the Year.

GEPN students celebrate

The evening culminated with GEPN students reciting the Florence Nightingale Pledge – a tradition in nursing whereby students make a commitment to practice the profession of nursing with the highest ethical standards and to safeguard and promote health for the entire community.

The event was supported by the University of Hawaii Foundation and the University of Hawaii at Manoa School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene. The Graduate Entry Program in Nursing admits students every Fall. For more information about the program, please contact Chris Stutes, GEPN Coordinator at or (808) 956-0445.

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