The Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) program offers the terminal degree in Nursing Practice and is designed to meet our statewide demand for a highly competent nursing workforce equipped with the skills to ensure the delivery of safe, quality nursing care in Hawaii. The program incorporates the AACN Essentials for Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006), NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content (NONPF, 2017) and the AACN Common Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Doctoral-Level Competencies (AACN, 2017). Planning is underway to transition the curriculum to address the 2021 AACN The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. These guiding documents form the foundation for the curriculum, integrating evidence-based practice, quality improvement, and systems leadership to prepare experts in advanced nursing practice.
The DNP competency-based curriculum educates and prepares students to receive an advanced clinical practice degree focused on primary and specialty areas with an emphasis on leadership and health policy. The completion of the Doctor of Nursing Practice project is the culminating evidence-based practice requirement.
We strive to provide an encompassing, holistic, rigorous, competency-based curriculum and program that is student-centered. Our students are the drivers of our program and contribute to shaping their education through leadership, evaluations, and collaboration with our alumni.
Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) Degree Program
Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner
- For RNs with a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full-time cohort program
Family Nurse Practitioner
- For RNs with a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full-time cohort program
Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- For RNs with a bachelor’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full-time cohort program
Post-Master’s in Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- For APRNs with a master’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full-time cohort program
Post-Master’s in Organizational Leadership
- For RNs with a master’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full- or part-time cohort program
UH Manoa Shidler College of Business, Distance Learning EMBA – Health Care Management Track to Doctor of Nursing Practice
- For RNs with a master’s degree or higher
- Fall (August) Admission only
- Full- or part-time cohort program
Fast Facts
- Two-step application process.
- Students enter and progress in a learning cohort.
- Students participate in a mandatory orientation during the first week of instruction each semester.
- Courses are offered in face-to-face sessions, online, and/or blended delivery.
- Coursework includes developing, implementing, and evaluating a DNP project.
- Individual academic advising and support is provided throughout the program.
- For FNP, AGPCNP, or PMHNP Programs, students are eligible to take board certification examination in the last semester of program.
Program Outcomes / Competencies
The AACN Essentials of Doctoral Education for Advanced Nursing Practice (AACN, 2006), NONPF Nurse Practitioner Core Competencies Content (NONPF, 2017) and the AACN Common Advanced Practice Registered Nurse Doctoral-Level Competencies (AACN, 2017) provides the curricular elements and framework for the program. Planning is underway to transition the curriculum to address the 2021 AACN The Essentials: Core Competencies for Professional Nursing Education. Copies or versions in other languages are available at the AACN Essentials website.
Doctor of Nursing Practice Competencies
A competent advanced practice nurse:
- Demonstrates professional actions based on core nursing values, professional standards of practice, and the law.
- Develops insight through reflective practice, self-analysis, and self-care through the understanding of the law.
- Engages in ongoing self-directed learning and provides care based on evidence supported by research.
- Demonstrates leadership in nursing and health care.
- Collaborates as part of a health care team.
- Practices within, utilizes, and contributes to the broader health care system.
- Practices client-centered/patient-centric care.
- Communicates effectively and uses technology to support the delivery of health services.
- Demonstrates clinical judgment and critical thinking in the delivery of care of clients while maintaining safety.
DNP Project
Graduates of the program meet the accreditation requirement of a minimum of 1,000 post-baccalaureate supervised practice hours. The required post-baccalaureate practicum hours; 1 credit hour = 3 contact hours or 45 hours per semester. Post-Master’s students may receive course credit by submitting a portfolio demonstrating achievement of the AACN essentials.
The DNP Project is a scholarly endeavor demonstrating critical and systematic processes outlined in the AACN essentials (AACN, 2021). The final product of the DNP Project is a manuscript which demonstrates how the student has met the AACN essentials. The DNP Project is designed to address a practice issue affecting groups of patients, health care organizations, health care systems or professional organizations to improve health outcomes.
Examples of School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene (SONDH) DNP Projects can be found on ScholarSpace.
Partnership in the Nursing Education Exchange
University of Hawaii at Manoa is a member of NEXus (The Nursing Education Exchange), a collaboration between participating doctoral programs in nursing that allows doctoral students enrolled at member colleges and universities to take courses that may not be offered at their home institution for a common tuition price. Students may fulfill UH Manoa requirements by enrolling in NEXus courses.
DNP Program Coordinator & NEXus Campus Staff Coordinator
Contact for applicants and current students in the DNP program and the NEXus Program.
School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2528 McCarthy Mall, Webster Hall 201
Honolulu, HI 96822
Ph: 808-956-8401
Fax: 808-956-5977
via Star Balance
DNP Program Director, Adult-Gerontology Primary Care Nurse Practitioner Specialty Program Coordinator & Assistant Professor
School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2528 McCarthy Mall, Webster Hall 219
Honolulu, HI 96822
Ph: 808-956-3445
Fax: 808-956-3257
For students who do not have a degree in nursing, contact the Graduate Entry Program in Nursing Coordinator.
Graduate Entry Program in Nursing (GEPN) Coordinator
Contact for applicants and current students in the Graduate Entry Program in Nursing (GEPN) Program.
School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2528 McCarthy Mall, Webster Hall 201
Honolulu, HI 96822
Ph: 808-956-0445
Fax: 808-956-5977
via Star Balance