The School of Nursing & Dental Hygiene (SONDH) is committed to developing and fostering research and scholarly partnerships with diverse academic institutions and community partners.
Existing partnerships include:
Hawaii Journal of Health + Social Welfare
The School of Nursing is one of the lead academic partners with the Hawaii Journal of Health + Social Welfare. This journal is a monthly peer-reviewed journal with the aim of advancing knowledge about health and social welfare, with a focus on the diverse peoples and unique environments of Hawaii and the Pacific region. The School publishes a recurring column called Spotlight on Nursing, which is edited by Dr. Holly Fontenot, Contributing Editor, and Dr. Joanne R. Loos, Science Writer.
The Queen’s Medical Center
The research partnership between UHM Nursing and the Queen’s Medical Center (QMC) Queen Emma Nursing Institute (QENI) supports the development, implementation and dissemination of collaborative projects to improve health care through research and evidence-based practice. This innovative partnership is a successful endeavor that bridges education and practice in our community while developing the research capacity of both institutions.
Nursing Research Fellowship (NRF): This initiative is operated jointly through QENI and the school of nursing with representatives from both organizations providing project oversight to ensure successful completion of the fellow’s research studies. The goal of this initiative is for nurse researchers from QMC to generate new knowledge for nursing that aligns with QMC priority areas. Teams collaborate on conceptual development, proposal submission, conduct of the project, data analysis, and dissemination of findings. Research and EBP: The partnership also supports nurse scientists from UHM and QENI to jointly collaborate in novel research as well as evidence-based practice initiatives that are focused on the QENI mission that includes, innovation, well-being, and improving practice.
Pacific Regional Command – Tripler Army Medical Center
The Cooperative Research Partnership between the Pacific Regional Medical Command (PRMC) and SONDH is to support the conduct of research at PRMC that will lead to improved health outcomes, quality of life, quality of care and health care policy for military beneficiaries. The PRMC and SONDH encourage nursing research in the PRMC by providing a milieu for the conduct of research in a military medical center that provides tertiary care to 436,000 beneficiaries.
Hawaii State Center for Nursing
Dr. Katherine Finn Davis serves as Associate Director for Evidence-Based Practice at the Hawaii State Center for Nursing. In this role, she develops, manages and advances a unique evidence-based practice (EBP) statewide program involving multiple health care systems and schools of nursing. This program supports the incorporation of EBP across many users at all levels. Programs include EBP workshops for clinicians, health care leaders and educators. Through this work, the quality of nursing care and patient outcomes are improved by developing an evidence-based competent workforce.
COLs Stephanie Marshall & Charles Miller Endowed Director of Community Partnerships & Specialist
2528 McCarthy Mall, Webster Hall 410
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone: (808) 956-5421
Fax: (808) 956-3257