Clinic Schedule
The Dental Hygiene Clinic operates from the middle of September to the middle of December and from January to April, on an appointment basis. No services are provided during UH Manoa campus winter, spring and summer breaks. Contact the clinic to schedule an appointment.
The dental hygiene curriculum has a component which provides practical clinical experiences to dental hygiene students. Various dental hygiene procedures are carried out by students of the Department of Dental Hygiene under the instruction of licensed dentist and dental hygienist faculty.
Basic dental hygiene and other optional procedures are rendered based on clinical and professional judgment of students and faculty. Basic procedures include oral examination and charting, scaling and polishing of teeth, and patient education. Optional procedures include dental radiographs, application of topical fluoride and pit and fissure sealants, plaque control instruction, soft tissue curettage and root planing, selected periodontal procedures, administration of intraoral local anesthesia, study model impression taking, amalgam polishing, placement and removal of temporary restoration, and periodontal dressing.
The Dental Hygiene clinic provides teaching-learning experiences. The Department reserves the right to select patients and the type of procedures to be rendered; and to refuse individuals who do not meet the teaching criteria. It should be emphasized that full dental service is not available and service is limited to procedures in dental hygiene.
Patients must complete a medical/dental history form and be clinically screened prior to being issued an appointment. We request that the dental hygiene clinic be notified at least 24 hours prior to your appointment if you are unable to keep your appointment.
A $25 cash nonrefundable service/records fee will be assessed to each patient per cycle of visits.

Dental Hygiene Clinic
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2445 Campus Road, Hemenway Hall, Room 200
Honolulu, HI 96822
Phone (808) 956-8229