
Not Admitting effective December 31, 2023

For High School Graduates

Program Description

The program offers direct entry for high school graduates who are dedicated to completing their Bachelor of Science in dental hygiene in four years. With direct entry into our dental hygiene program, a student’s academic path is secure. Students can have confidence that they have been admitted to the dental hygiene program while they complete their prerequisite classes in a cohort based learning model.

With the Bachelor of Science degree, the student is prepared to sit for the National Board Dental Hygiene Examination (NBDHE-written exam) and Central Regional Dental Testing Services (CRDTS-patient based exam). Once the student successfully passes both exams, they will be eligible for licensure. The student completes pre-requisites in Year 1 and begins dental hygiene courses in year 2.

Fast Facts

  • Two-step application process.
  • Outstanding faculty committed to advancing health care delivery.
  • Cohort program designed to be completed in 4 years.
  • Individual academic advising and support throughout the program.

Program Outcomes

The graduate of the Bachelor of Science program is prepared to:

    • provide comprehensive individualized patient care in a competent, confident, safe, compassionate, ethical and legal manner
    • integrate evidence-based practice with problem solving, and critical thinking skills to inform clinical judgment and decision making.
    • demonstrate ability to collaborate with patients and other healthcare professionals through effective written and verbal communication skills
    • ensure personal and professional growth through life-long learning and participation in professional dental hygiene organizations
    • assess the oral health care needs of the various cultures in the community and develop relevant action plans to be implemented in a variety of healthcare settings
    • demonstrate clinical skills and didactic knowledge to successfully pass national and regional state board examinations.


Year 1
32 credits
16 credits
PHYL141 Human Anatomy & Physiology (DB) (3) *
PHYL 141L Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab (DY) (1) *
PSY 100 Survey of Psychology (DS) (3)
MICRO 130 General Microbiology (DB) (3) *
MICRO 140L General Microbiology Lab (DY) (2) *
ENG 100 Composition I (FW) (3)
CAS 110 Integrating Seminar I (1)
* Courses only offered during the fall semester
16 credits
PHYL 142 Human Anatomy & Physiology (DB) (3) **
PHYL 142L Human Anatomy & Physiology (DY) (1) **
SOC 100 Introduction to Sociology (DS) (3)
COMG 151 or 251 Personal and Public Speech (DA) (3)
FSHN 185 Science of Human Nutrition (DB) (3)
CHEM 161 General Chemistry I (DP) (3)
* Courses only offered during the spring semester
Year 2
32 credits
16 credits
DH 231 Oral Anatomy & Tooth Morphology (2)
DH 231L Oral Anatomy & Tooth Morphology Lab (2)
DH 238 (WI) Basic Dental Hygiene I (2)
DH 238L Basic Dental Hygiene I Lab (2)
DH 250 General Histology (2)
Symbolic Reasoning (3)
PHARM 203 (Other Req.) General Pharmacology (3)
16 credits
DH 240 Basic Dental Hygiene II (2)
DH 240L Basic Dental Hygiene II Laboratory/Clinic (3)
DH 251 Oral Histology & Embryology (1)
DH 281 Dental Radiography (2)
DH 281L Dental Radiography Laboratory/Clinic (1)
DH 366 General Pathology (2)
DH 389 Pain Control & Local Anesthesia in Dentistry (2)
ENG 270-273 (DL) Introduction to Literature (3)
Year 3
32 credits
16 credits
DH 361 Health Education and Promotion (2)
DH 367 Oral Pathology (1)
DH 369 Dental Materials (1)
DH 369L Dental Materials Laboratory/Clinic (1)
DH 375 Clinical Dental Hygiene (2)
DH 375L Clinical Dental Hygiene I Clinic (4)
DH 390 (WI) Periodontology (2)
Statistics (Other Req.) (3)
16 credits
DH 370 Expanded Functions in Dental Hygiene (2)
DH 370L Expanded Functions in Dental Hygiene Laboratory/Clinic (1)
DH 380 (WI) Clinical Dental Hygiene II (2)
DH 380L Clinical Dental Hygiene II Clinic (3)
DH 391 (WI) Periodontology II (2)
PUBA 301 Healthcare Administration (West Oahu) (3)
FG Course: Any course from different groups (A/B/C) (3) ***
Year 4
24 credits
12 credits
DH 473 (WI) Community Health (3)
DH 475 Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene I (2)
DH 475L Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene I Clinic (4)
NURS 363 (E) Introduction to Nursing Research (3)
12 credits
DH 480 (O) Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene II (2)
DH 480L Advanced Clinical Dental Hygiene II Clinic (4)
FG Course: Any course from different groups (A/B/C) (3) ***
H-Focus Course: (3) ***

*** See UH General Catalog for qualifying courses. These specific courses may be taken out of suggested sequence.

Total Number of Credits: 120 credits

Effective Fall 2022

Updated: June 16, 2022


Picture of Kristine Osada, MEd, BSDH, RDH
Kristine Osada, MEd, BSDH, RDH
Dental Hygiene Program Administrator & Instructor

Contact for applicants to the Bachelor of Science in dental hygiene program. Also, contact for enrolled dental hygiene students.

Department of Dental Hygiene
School of Nursing and Dental Hygiene
University of Hawaii at Manoa
2445 Campus Road, Hemenway Hall 200-B
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822
Phone: (808) 956-8821
Fax: (808) 956-5707

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