
1.     I am a veteran with a medical background in the service. Can this program help me earn a nursing degree faster?

Yes. Your medical training and experience will be reviewed and academic credit may be awarded for it. The goal of our nursing program is to ensure that you have the right curriculum and experiences to practice safely and pass the registered nurse licensing exam. Therefore, we will individualize your curriculum based upon our assessment of your current knowledge and skills.

2.     I am a veteran with no formal background in medicine during my time in the service, but am interested in medicine. Am I eligible to apply for this program?

Yes and no. Yes, all veterans are eligible to apply to any of the Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing programs. Veterans who are accepted and who enroll as a nursing student will receive academic advising. If you do not have military medical training, you will not be eligible to apply for credit by exam, but will still be eligible to receive academic advising.

3.     I will need to work, can I be a part of this program as a part-time student?

It depends. Our traditional undergraduate nursing programs are designed as full-time programs to immerse students in the curriculum that sequentially builds upon previous knowledge and skills from one semester to the next. Many of our full-time undergraduate students also work part time.

4.     What accommodations will be made if I’m a member of the Guard and deployed during my time in this program?

Every effort will be made to accommodate deployed students using online coursework.

5.     Is this program only available at UH Manoa?

Yes, the program is only available at the Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing .

6.     Can I complete some of the courses online?

Yes, a limited number of courses are offered online.

7.     How can I apply for GI Bill and Benefits?

Visit the UH Manoa Veterans Affairs website for more information.

8. Do veterans get in-state tuition?

Yes. UH charges in-state tuition to all qualifying veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Effective Spring 2015, the tuition waiver applies to all veterans who enroll at University of Hawaii within three years of their honorable discharge and those who use their GI Bill benefits. Returning students can still meet the criteria if they were discharged within three years of the Spring 2015 implementation. Veterans must complete and submit a Veteran Exemption to Non-Resident Tuition Rate Form, along with their DD-213 and VA Certificate of Eligibility to the Admissions Information Counter, Queen Liliuokalani Center for Student Services before the semester begins.

9.     What credit will transfer in from my military/ACE/SMART transcript?

The Nancy Atmospera-Walch School of Nursing has a process to review military/ACE/SMART transcripts for eligible students and may offer credit by exam for introductory nurses courses.

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