
Retirements & Farewells – Fall 2021

Peggy Clements, Nursing Instructor

Peggy Clements head shot photos

Peggy Clements retired in Spring 2021 after 10 years of service to the Department of Nursing. She joined the Department of Nursing in 2011 and primarily taught in the undergraduate program, in N210L, Health Promotion Across the Lifespan Lab. She was well-received by students for her caring ways and support for their well-being. She will be missed by students and faculty, especially by the N210L course group members.


Melodee J. Deutsch, Associate Director for Quality and Patient Safety and Assistant Specialist

photo of Melodee Deutsch

Melodee Deutsch retired in Spring 2021 after 10 years of service to the Department of Nursing and the UH Translational Health Science Simulation Center. After retiring from Kaiser Permanente, she joined the school to share her knowledge and experience in healthcare. Her contributions to the School and Simulation Center are greatly valued and she will be missed.


Kristine Qureshi, Associate Dean for Research & Global Health and Professor

photo of Kris Qureshi

Dr. Kristine Qureshi retired in August 2021 after 15 years of service to the University of Hawaii at Manoa. Qureshi provided leadership at the school in both academic and administrative areas. She built and grew the Global Health Program and used her vast experience and expertise in research to guide the school’s research program. Dr. Qureshi leaves behind a progressive program and vibrant research contributions to the University and the healthcare community. Perhaps the forever-lasting gift Dr. Qureshi left behind was her enduring leadership throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. She positioned the school as a knowledge leader in the healthcare academic world and made lasting contributions to the State, University and the School.

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